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In 1974, Carlton Buller heard a voice say that he should become a writer. But it cautioned that he ought not to write fiction, only truth - material that would help people improve their lives. His immediate and silent reaction was that he didn't have anything to say. That was the end of the conversation, and he was left with the distinct impression that these were instructions for the future.

Twenty-six years later he finally found his voice. And now, he has plenty to say. But what happened in those intervening years? And why did it take so long for him to finally comply with those instruc-tions he received during what he believes was a case of divine intervention? More importantly, what was it that necessi- tated an intervention in the first place, or at the very least triggered it?

In his first book, Stolen Innocence, he described his unfortunate childhood and identified the various dysfunctions that plague survivors of childhood maltreat-ment, which led to that intervention. The writing of that book triggered a much needed catharsis. Everything he has written since has been focused on documenting hard-earned lessons about healing and transformation.

This is the front cover of the book, "Stolen Innocence" by Carlton J. Buller
This is an image of the front cover of the book, 'Mystic Musings' by Carlton J. Buller
This is an image of the cover of the book 'Beyond Survival Book 1" by Carlton J. Buller

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